A Customized and Flexible Ideal Mobile Banking System using 5G Technology

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K. Krishna Prasad
Aithal P. S.


The word Ideal System refers to a system which is optimal or finest in terms of all itscharacteristics and any existing system can be improved or converted into the Ideal system bycomparing existing system to Ideal system and by doing research and innovation. Mobilebanking business will enable banking organizations to expand their markets, improve theirservices to all corners of the world without any barriers in terms of time, location and place.The rapid increase of mobile phone users is closely followed by security problems. Theobjective of this paper is to suggest some characteristics that will solve problems likesecurity, bandwidth, network coverage, speed and much more. Fifth Generation (5G) mobilewireless communication technology an advanced modern upcoming technology that hassignificant change or difference in terms of bandwidth, speed access, and zone issuescompare to its predecessors. In this paper, the concept of the Ideal mobile banking system isdiscussed, based on developing a suitable model with the predicted system and environmentalcharacteristics which is ultimately very much user-friendly, customization and flexible innature. To realize Ideal system model we have taken up 5G mobile wireless communicationtechnologies and discussed how it will support Ideal mobile banking model by providingcharacteristics in terms of speed, bandwidth, data transfer rate, signaling efficiency and alladvanced services. The paper makes an analysis of new model with its advantages, benefits,constraints, and disadvantages.


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How to Cite
K. Krishna Prasad, & Aithal P. S. (2017). A Customized and Flexible Ideal Mobile Banking System using 5G Technology. International Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 2(1), 25–37. Retrieved from https://www.srinivaspublication.com/journal/index.php/ijmts/article/view/31

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