Cloud Security: An Overview and Current Trend

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P. K. Paul
P. S. Aithal


Cloud security is also called as cloud computing security. It is the set of policies, technologies, applications, and control utilized for virtual infrastructure which includes hardware, software, and application. The field is closely related to database security, web security, network security, etc. In other words, cloud security is very close to computer security, IT security or information security. Day by day the IT infrastructure becomes a common need of every individual and organization so the security aspect is an important concern in this regard. Cloud computing security is controlled by different mechanisms such as deterrent control, preventive control, detective control, and collective control. Cloud Vulnerability and Penetrating Testing are very much important for secure and healthy cloud security practices. Cloud Computing is an important name in the IT and Computing domain and this is rising in different organizations and institutions. In this paper different areas of Cloud Computing have been described. There are different models and architecture for cloud computing security and different rules, regulation, and framework. This paper is conceptual in nature and talks about various areas of security in the basic sense. Paper also talks about Security affairs related to the Cloud.


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How to Cite
P. K. Paul, & P. S. Aithal. (2019). Cloud Security: An Overview and Current Trend. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML), 3(2), 53–58. Retrieved from

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